Start with one outstanding product or service. Check.
Ride on that to become a one-trick giant . Check.
Prowl the market for disruptive innovators.
Bully and buy them out. Check.
Get the customers in the bargain. Check.
Kill competition. Check.
Stifle innovation. Check.
Replace industry-leading products with mediocre ones developed in-house.
Create monopoly. Check.
Bundle needed stuff with what customers don't need to decimate new players. Check.
Oh, btw. Wear the biggest smirk on your face. Check.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Big Business Mantra - All you need is a start!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Free The Net?
These days the word dotcom has been replaced by Social Networking. You can't go through an IT magazine or a web site that doesn't mention this phenomenon and its advantages. Use masses to create value or a product or a service.
A few months ago, I got to thinking about my internet needs and the ridiculous amount of money I was spending on it. Internet is becoming so pervasive and a lot of people in the developed world can't think of living without being "connected". So, why is that it is still so expensive anyway? I mean - why shouldn't Internet be cheap or even free? Yes, a handful of companies such as Earthlink, NetZero have already done that by giving free internet but you had to put up with annoying ads. With the advent of Wireless connectivity, I use the same connection on more than one computer at home. No brainer.
So, I thought - here is an opportunity. If I can share my connection across multiple computers at home, why shouldn't I share and even resell my internet connection around my community? Good idea, I thought. I found a little later, a couple of companies like Meraki and Fon are already already doing that they have been around long enough.
Another idea that is a non-idea.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Thoughts That Occurred Too Late!
I admit that I have spent better part of the last decade sleeping through the developments in the IT industry . You see, I began as an average software programmer like most others and for a long time, my world only consisted of projects, deadlines, defects, quality metrics, CMM et al. I never bothered about the bigger picture - how does what I do fit in industry, trends that are shaping up the future, and just plain awareness about what is going on outside my "bubble". Of late, I have awakened to find the exciting side of the industry. That got me to thinking .. hmm, I wonder what I can come up with this new found knowledge.
That brings us to this section - Thoughts That Occurred Too Late. To satisfy my ego, I have dared to document all the half-cooked ideas that are sprouting in my brain. Unfortunately, in these fast times, I'm finding that some of my so-called "ideas" are outdated by at least half a decade or more. In any case, I thought I would at least write it up as a note to myself to see what could have been. All these thoughts are new to me but not to the world apparently!!! What are ideas anyway if they are not acted upon.
Indulge me, please! And do share if you thought if you had great idea only to find that it has been documented and used elsewhere.