Thursday, February 14, 2008

Live Video Site

Online video sharing sites are dime a dozen now. Web sites like Youtube, Metacafe, Videoegg etc. make it very easy for anybody to share their videos. What these sites don't offer is live videos. Anything ranging from live political speeches, live scientific activities, live concerts. Anything that is happening right now!! They has always been live streaming video but I thought one web site to be like the live version of YouTube would be cool.

Cool idea but new it wasn't. After digging a little bit I found a web site that offers everything I imagined. It seems quite easy even for a non-geek to just beam out their lives. I'm sure there are more such sites.

Another idea that is a non-starter.

PS: Technology is a such a double-edged sword. Its only a matter of time before somebody uses this tool to commit a "live" crime just for the kicks.

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